
Showing posts from January, 2024



Role of ICT in EDSA (People Power Revolution)

       Role of ICT in EDSA (People Power Revolution) Information and communication technology (ICT) was essential in both the EDSA People Power Revolution and the EDSA Dos, where the mobile phone was used as a symbol to incite a revolution among the Filipino people. A memorable national occasion that will always be etched in the hearts and thoughts of the Filipino people happened on February 25, 1986. Since the Roman Catholic Church ran Radio Veritas, a 24-hour AM radio station, it was crucial to Corazon Aquino's efforts to organize a popular democratic movement because it was the official voice of the democratic opposition. Corazon Aquino used Radio Veritas to inform the Filipino people for the political developments and to organize them for the nonviolent protests. Radio Veritas played a role in informing public about the events during the EDSA Revolution. It became the vehicle for the people to gather in EDSA in 1986, after Jaime Cardinal Sin made a public call for support throu

Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay

  Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay Ben&Ben   This is the song I choose since it appears to relieve my stress and ease the pain I'm experiencing. Every time I listen to it, the pains I experience go away as though this song soothes you. I do this because I utilize it to help me feel better whenever something hurts me. I love her and I wouldn't want our relationship to end over a small argument, even though I wounded her. Rather than getting upset, I chose to remain silent to prevent our issue from growing worse. She knows that I will be harmed, yet it's impossible for me to be hurt by what he does and will continue to do. As long as she's happy with it, I'm ok with it. And all I want to happen is for her to realize that the things she does hurt me. I hope she stops and doesn't let us get to the point of breaking up because that's what I'm afraid will happen, what you worked hard for several months just to get her to answer yes will just disappear in a simpl